Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Well I have my spring cleaning done for the basement.  I was so happy and sore once it was finished.  I can actually see most of my carpet in the basement.  It feels good to have the things I only need instead a bunch of junk lying around.

Here is an interest list of the things I found:
- A set of print cartridges for my mom's old printer.  At least she will be able to use these when we put her printer back online
- My admittance letter to college, but at least I know my student ID number now
- A package of candy canes

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saturday Change - On Sunday

Today the grand total is $26.86.  Most of this came from inside my car, but six dollars was from this week's shopping.  Keep saving.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Well, I tried to make an attempt at spring cleaning during my break this week, but alas, I got nowhere.  It's harder than you think to make changes to your life.  It is much simpler to stay in old patterns, then to create new ones.  This week I am going to find time to clean and organize several things during the upcoming week.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Change

To save money, I have decided that on Saturdays I am going to put all of my change into a jar and keep a running total for a year.  In a year's time, if I have enough money, I am going to invest it in a simple Certificate of Deposit.  So far $5.63.

Friday, March 11, 2011

First Things First

The first thing I decided to simplify was my finances.  I took a look one day at my credit cards and said to myself, "Enough is enough."  I want to be completely debt free.

Next, I wanted to simplify my physical space.  I have to much stuff for the life I was planning for, but I still don't have that life, yet.  So now I plan to de-clutter and move on with my life.

My hope with this blog is to share my experiences and give tips to others who are trying to simply their lives as well.


Welcome to my new blog about my voyage to live a more simplified life.  Simple living is not about being a hermit or running away to the woods.  It is about learning to live within your means and finding what makes you happy.